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New HomieNodeCollection adds parameters for temperatur adjustment, reading interval and can internally set RGBW color

Parameters (“HomieSetting”)

There are two new parameters: TempAdj and sensorInterval

temperature adjustment (“TempAdj”)

The SensorNode will adjust the temperature by a float value that is stored in Homie’s configuration file as “Temperate offset”. This is useful if you have a static temperature offset, e.g. due to heat accumalation in a small enclosure.

sensor read interval

You can now set the interval to read from the sensors with the parameter “sensorInterval”, the unit is milli-seconds, minimum value is 1000 (1 sec), maximum 600000 (10 min), default value is 30000 (30 sec).

Example part of config.json:

{"settings":{"RGBfadeDelay":5, "sensorInterval": 60000, "TempAdj": -0.5}}

BTW, you can push the config to a device with this little shell script

first argument is the device name, second the configuration name. In my proposal, the .json extension is applied automatically. If this annoys you, just remove the .json in the script

mosquitto_pub -h cubietruck -t homie/$1/\$implementation/config/set -f $2.json    

set RGBWColor

The RGBWNode offers a public method void switchLed(const String &property, uint8_t value); The property String is “r”, “g”, “b”, or “w” and sets the corresponding channel to value (0-100%). This signature was choosen to be as similar to the internal HomieNode API as possible. The method also publishes the new value on MQTT.

This is useful, if you have an switch in the software to switch some light. E.g. I have some reed contacts in my wardrobe and the led is switched on internally if someone opens the door.

Full source code example:

#include <Homie.hpp>
#include <Wire.h>

#include <RGBWNode.h>
#include <SensorNode.h>
#include <LoggerNode.h>

/* Config management:
 * Use external buildnumber and generate firmware-version strings according to
 * Homie-ESP8266 OTA standard

#include "buildnumber.h"
#define FW_NAME "SZ_2xLEDWhite_Thermo_2xInput"
#define FW_MAJOR "0"


/* Magic sequence for Autodetectable Binary Upload */
const char *__FLAGGED_FW_NAME = "\xbf\x84\xe4\x13\x54" FW_NAME "\x93\x44\x6b\xa7\x75";
const char *__FLAGGED_FW_VERSION = "\x6a\x3f\x3e\x0e\xe1" FW_VERSION "\xb0\x30\x48\xd4\x1a";
/* End of magic sequence for Autodetectable Binary Upload */

RGBWNode white1("LED_W1", 255, 255, 255, 0);
RGBWNode white2("LED_W2", 255, 255, 255, 2);
SensorNode sensor;

void setup() {
  Homie_setFirmware(FW_NAME, FW_VERSION);
  pinMode(12, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(13, INPUT_PULLUP);
  Wire.begin(SDA, SCL);

void loop() {
    static bool tuer1 = false;
    static bool tuer2 = false;

    bool t_in = digitalRead(12);
    if (t_in != tuer1) {
        LN.log("loop()", LoggerNode::INFO, "Input 1 changed");
        tuer1 = t_in;
        white1.switchLed("w", tuer1?100:0);
    t_in = digitalRead(13);
    if (t_in != tuer2) {
        LN.log("loop()", LoggerNode::INFO, "Input 2 changed");
        tuer2 = t_in;
        white2.switchLed("w", tuer2?100:0);


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