- Project-Page:
- Features:
- Controller to supply water to 4 different plant beds
- Measurement of Temperature and Air Pressure
- 2xRBG-Dimmer
- LED-Dimmer (white)
This device is installed at the balkony and can control a water pump and a 4xvalve to distribute water to our plants. A BMP180 sensors provides information about temperature and air pressure on I2C and is located in a seperate case in a shady place above the water tanks. Future improvement is to support an additional valve and reed contacts to automatically fill the water tanks when necessary.
Software Modules
- HomieNodeCollection
- ☇ hnc
- ☇ homie-esp
- ☇ automaton
Electronic Modules
- ☇ ESP12F
- ☇ BMP180
- ☇ ULN2003
- ☇ PCF8575 (16x I/O Controller on I2C)
- ☇ 1N4004 (free-wheel diodes for relais/valves)
Electromechanical Modules
- 2x Relais-Board (with optocoupler)
- Magnetic valves
- Reed-Contact with floater